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Showing posts from January, 2021

Hyperloop ♾

From ancient times the people used different methods of transportation . After the industrial Revolution , the world underwent a major  upheaval . But due to the social busyness that has arisen it too has become inadequate . An increase in the speed of transport has become a current need. Counties such as Chaina & Japan have 600 km/h of high speed transportation system ,but due to their busyness and size , they are not adequate . πŸ“1829 was a year of great change in the field of transportation . They built a railway line from Manchester to Liverpool in England and conducted a competition for the selection of the fastest train at a speed of 38 km/h . A similar thing happent recently. In 2017, it was done by billionaire " Elon Musk " .  When we give acceleration to an object ,it gains some momentum . But when that acceleration is stopped  ,it slows due to the drag force and the friction force of ground .But as far as we know both of these force are not present in space .So

Mars Planet πŸŒ‘πŸš€

Mars Planet  Name = Mars  Distance from the sun = 227,936,640 km Mean Equation Radius = 3,397 km (0.5326×Earth) Volume = 1.6314×10^11 km^3 (0.150×Earth) Mass = 6.4185×10^23 kg  Density = 3.94 g/cm^2 Equatorial Surface Gravity = 3.693 m/s^2 Escape Velocity =18,072 km/h Rotation Period (Earth days) = 1.026 Orbit Period (Earth years ) = 1.8807 Mean Orbit Velocity = 86,871 km/h Orbit inclination to Ecliptic = 1.85° Inclination of Equator to Orbit = 25.19° Surface Temperature = 210 K (-63.15 °C) Major Atmospheric Constitutes = C02 , N2 ,Argon Moons = 2  Moons names=Phobos & Deimos No rinys  Thank you..! I'm Henry .πŸ‡±πŸ‡°

Tesla ♈️

The name "TESLA" is one of the most talked about topic today .Elon Musk , made Tesla world famous . But this names owner is "Nikolai Tesla ". Nikolai Tesla was born in 1856 in Croatia as a Cervian. He was an engineer by profession . He did a lot of research on eka electricity & magnetism . Tesla had an unusual ability & behaviors .! He was able to work 30 to 40 hours nonstop . He was unmarried .When  asked ,he says that, Mr.Enistine not married and not so am i. Perhaps he did not marry for fear that worldly life would affect his experiments.‼️  His research on the ' Alferation Current '(AC); was special . But it the meantime Thomas Alwa Edison ,prepared to compete with him.In 1901  , he came up with the idea of electrical induction across space . Today , we use the term WIFI πŸ“³,although it is not an electronic transmission , but was pioneered by Nikolai tesla's ability to connect wirelessly. He can be called the father of ' Alternating curren

Time-X πŸ†š Knowledge

     You are going to get lost in this story . Strictly speaking , you are lost between the to concepts of time & knowledge .πŸ“ Have you ever wondered ,why there are 365 or 366 days in a year? Why 24 hours in day ?why 60  seconds per minute ?⏱️  Are you sure this is 2021 ? How do you prove it ? Really , why are things like this? We  don't care about these , you put this aside saying it doesn't apply to us. But you know all this is just standard . You disagree with one of these things . Wait a minute ‼️‼️⏱️ Did human civilization really develop from the beginning of the world to this point ? Or was it developed to the maximum extent possible  , destroy and re-developed ❓ when how did the still unthinkable,unsolved old mystery of different places come into the world of buildings,panel,patterns,technology and equipments❓πŸ—Ώ A stone in a pyramid in " Geisha " weight about 2 tons . However these designed so that you could not even put a knife blade πŸ”ͺ between 2  stones

Black Holes⏱️

  Black holes are another unsolved mystery in the universe . In fact ,  the black holes is a region of high gravity πŸŒͺ️. The black holes appears black to us because the light rays are always inside it & not coming out of it. This is how a black hole is formed . Hydrogen in the star converts to Helium, which emits radiation. It pushed the hydrogen in the star out of it. As it ends , the star's radiation decreased ,but there is still gravity here. There is a huge explosion . We call is a super nova explosion πŸ’₯. This changes  size of the star in to different states . If the star is the large , the matter that dissipates after the explosion will be compressed within it due to high gravity , which we now call a black hole. πŸŒͺ️ In a black hole , space time curves to infinity . To the area knows as Singularity .But there is some contradiction with what Max Planck says on another scale πŸ“ˆ. ( Everything is the universe must be smaller than the Planck Length !πŸ“Œ️ Planck Length = 100 000

Wormhole πŸ›

                   Wormholes ? What is this wormholes & why do it use such a name ?  The wormhole is actually the fastest way you can get thought the universe πŸƒ. Like a short cut. ⛩. Above is an image what we are talking about . The wormhole is a short cut that can be created by connecting to large distance region of the universe . It put in simply for example , you can create a wormhole from newyork city and get out of Tokyo ,japan in second . The other end of the wormhole , that opens from our universe could be thousands of light-years away .πŸ—Ύ If you substitute the story i told you from a worm on an apple  you can understand this simply . The worm can go to the surface of the apple and reach the other side . But worm can think something more than 3 dimensions and make a hole thought the apple  and it can easily move to the other side .πŸ’­  This phenomenon is the simple explanation for the name of this story . This is what the Einstein -Rosen bridge is at about  . They were the o

Time-x πŸƒπŸŒ

  Good day everyone ! Time has passed and we have come forward ,haven't we..!what if time stopped and we had to go back  ? Rather than talking time back scientists arround the world are trying to move into the future . 🌎  According to sir albert Einstein time is just another dimension  of length ,breadth & height . For example ; you can see the length ,breadth & height of a book , right ? And time is of the essence .! The problem is we don't see it..!πŸ‘€ . You can get a good idea of this by watching  the movie interstellar  . !  The way to the future i mentioned earlier has been found in the present .!According to Sir Albert Einstein Relativity makes this easier for you to understand .!   If you can travel at the speed of light , you can eaeasily pass time !   In my example; you could go arround the earth ,at the speed of light you could go arround the earth in 10 seconds .! (Speed of light : 300 000 000 ms-1🚢 ). Now i think you understand that speed .! Okey : Now let