Mars Planet 🌑🚀
Mars Planet
- Name = Mars
- Distance from the sun = 227,936,640 km
- Mean Equation Radius = 3,397 km (0.5326×Earth)
- Volume = 1.6314×10^11 km^3 (0.150×Earth)
- Mass = 6.4185×10^23 kg
- Density = 3.94 g/cm^2
- Equatorial Surface Gravity = 3.693 m/s^2
- Escape Velocity =18,072 km/h
- Rotation Period (Earth days) = 1.026
- Orbit Period (Earth years ) = 1.8807
- Mean Orbit Velocity = 86,871 km/h
- Orbit inclination to Ecliptic = 1.85°
- Inclination of Equator to Orbit = 25.19°
- Surface Temperature = 210 K (-63.15 °C)
- Major Atmospheric Constitutes = C02 , N2 ,Argon
- Moons = 2
- Moons names=Phobos & Deimos
- No rinys
I'm Henry .🇱🇰
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